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Justice Connect Answers connects people with real lawyers who can provide free advice online. 

Justice Connect Answers can help you:

  • Understand your legal rights

  • Learn what steps you can take to resolve your legal issue

  • Access free legal help online, at a time that suits you



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How does Justice Connect Answers work?

Justice Connect Answers allows people to submit simple legal questions, which if eligible, are then answered by our pro bono lawyers.


  1. Register for an account by answering a few questions to find out if you’re eligible
  2. Ask your legal question
  3. Check your email – we’ll let you know when a lawyer has answered your question
  4. Log back in and see your answer

What can Justice Connect Answers help me with?

Our lawyers can provide free tailored and specific legal advice on the following legal issues:

  • Housing and homelessness

  • Financial issues

  • Work and employment law (for employees only)

  • Personal rights and safety

  • Reviewing government decisions

  • Fines and infringements

  • Other (reviewing contracts)

Justice Connect Answers provides once-off, discrete legal advice. We don’t provide ongoing legal representation. 

Am I eligible to use Justice Connect Answers?

  • Do you have a simple question about a legal problem, or would you like to know more about your legal rights?
  • Does your question relate to one of the legal issues our lawyers can help with?
  • Would you struggle to pay for legal help?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might be eligible for free legal help on Justice Connect Answers.

Registering for Justice Connect Answers is the quickest and best way to find out if you’re eligible. When you register, we will ask you a few quick questions about your legal question and your income.

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Find out more about our eligibility criteria, here.

Understanding your rights as a consumer – John’s story

John* purchased a lava lamp from a seller on a third-party platform. John is on a Disability Support Pension, and he’d saved up for this purchase. 

A couple of months later, the lamp leaked down his bookshelf onto his laptop, which broke as a result, and onto an amp which was sitting underneath. This left him without his computer which helps him connect with the world, and his amp, which he uses for music therapy. John knew he didn’t, nor did anyone else in his home, cause a breakage in the lamp. 

John contacted the seller immediately, but they refused responsibility and were combative. John was sure that the correct process was to contact the seller, but they would not provide a refund or any option for exchange. John felt like the seller was trying to intimidate him into ‘giving in’. He said he’d tried to be polite and professional in reaching an agreement but was told to ‘go away’ by the seller, who claimed to have received legal advice. 

John wanted to know his rights as a consumer, so that he could respond without fear of putting himself in a risky position. So, after registering for Justice Connect Answers and explaining his situation, one of our real lawyers answered John’s question by explaining his rights and recommending steps that John could take to resolve his dispute with the seller. 

After reading our lawyer’s response, John told us he now had the confidence and knowledge to be able to assert his rights and resolve his dispute on his own. He said:

“I have found your message easy to read and understand. It has also given me a bit (well more than a bit) of a relief knowing that I have rights and I can use them… knowing that I was correct in ‘not giving in’ to the seller and your information has made me more confident too!” 

*John’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.


Do you need more legal help?

Justice Connect Answers can only help with once-off legal questions and does not qualify as an application for comprehensive legal help. If you need ongoing legal help with your problem, the best thing to do is submit an online application.

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