When disaster strikes, legal problems often follow.

If your important documents are lost, damaged, or you can’t find them quickly, it can add even more difficulty at a time where you don’t need any extra stress.

Being able to quickly access these documents when you need them most can help you feel more prepared and protected. It can also make it easier to navigate any legal problems that might follow an emergency.

Use Get ePrepared to learn how to store electronic copies of your important documents, in case you need them in an emergency.

Get ePrepared can help you:

  • Understand which documents are important to make electronic copies of
  • Choose the best storage solution for your electronic documents
  • Learn how to store electronic copies on your chosen storage solution
  • Run a group session to help others build their digital skills

You can download the information to refer back to, listen to it in an audio format, or work through step-by-step instructions at your own pace.

Use Get ePrepared

Are you recovering from a disaster?

Learn about the free legal help available in your area.

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Understanding your rights after a disaster

Our Disaster Legal Support Resource Hub has a range of legal information on common legal issues to help you prepare for and respond to disaster events, such as bushfires and flooding.

Visit the Hub

About Get ePrepared

In partnership with Telstra, we’re working to increase Australians’ digital skills, and their capacity to prepare for and respond to legal issues related to emergencies or crises.

Justice Connect is grateful to Telstra for their generous support to create Get ePrepared. Learn more about Telstra’s work building Australians’ digital skills and confidence so they can take part in the online world.