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Elder abuse is a broad term for any action or inaction that causes fear of violence, isolation, deprivation, humiliation or powerlessness in an older person. It is different from other forms of family violence in that it can occur in any relationship where there is an ‘expectation of trust’. That means, along with family members, perpetrators can include carers, neighbours and friends.
Abuse can take different forms, including physical, psychological, financial, sexual, or neglect. It may manifest in a myriad of different ways, from denying an older person access to grandchildren, relatives or friends, to forcefully encouraging changes to a will or legal document. Where neglect occurs, it can be either intentional or unintentional.
Abuse can take different forms, including physical, psychological, financial, sexual, or neglect.
Legal help can make a big difference to people at risk of elder abuse. However, many older people seek advice very late, when responses can be costly, difficult and stressful. There are lots of reasons someone may seek legal help late, such as social isolation, lack of knowledge about legal services, and lack of understanding that a problem they are experiencing has a legal solution.
We help people experiencing or at risk of elder abuse through our Health Justice Partnership model, as well as through individual referrals to free legal help.
Legal help can make a big difference to people at risk of elder abuse. However, many older people seek advice very late, when responses can be costly, difficult and stressful.
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As part of our strategy to help end elder abuse, we share what we’ve learned from our work in submissions to Royal Commissions and provide recommendations to governments.
Read Margot's storyShe left the hospital knowing she had a right to feel safe in her own home.