The legal system is complicated. The millions of Australians who need legal help often don’t know where or how to get it, or which service they’re eligible for. Services trying to help people to access justice are struggling to keep up with demand.
At Justice Connect, we think differently. Working hand-in-hand with our community of helpseekers, and pro bono and community lawyers , we are developing new ways to help to more people, more easily.
For instance, it could be our pioneering work in establishing the Health Justice Partnership model in Australia. Today, we bring help to victims of elder abuse in a healthcare setting, where they feel comfortable.
It may be something as small as making freely available online tools and resources that people can use to help themselves.
We also think big. Our Not-for-profit Law site has become crucial for helping community organisations focus on their work, and we have developed an Australia-first online tool to help people find the legal service they need.
The system makes it hard for people to find the help they need. But through smart design, we make it easier.