Meet Ben*, a small business owner who found himself owing $30,000 in unpaid bills this year after being affected by wave after wave of disasters: the 2019-20 bushfires, COVID-19 lockdowns, and the Mid-North coast floods in 2021.

Like many other small business owners, Ben was struggling to find a way out of this complex situation. He tried finding a solicitor to help him, but the initial consultation alone was too expensive.  

Luckily, a frontline worker he met at a recovery hub could direct him to Justice Connect, and we used our in-house legal expertise and vast pro bono network to find him a lawyer that would help him resolve these compounding legal problems. Ben finally had the help he needed to get back on his feet. 

Ben’s story is one of many emerging from the multiple crises of the last 2 years. We know these kinds of challenges are going to be commonplace in the future.  


Have you or your small business been affected by floods, bushfires, or cyclones?

Apply for help