Bethany is an older woman who almost lost her home this year.

Her son asked her to become a co-director of his company in 2018. In 2019, he took out a loan and listed his mother as a director in the agreement and included her home as security. 

When the company failed to service the loan and fell into bankruptcy in early 2020, Bethany started getting calls from the lender seeking a court order to take possession of her house. As the calls continued, Bethany came to Justice Connect asking for help. Her limited understanding of the laws and lack of computer access meant that we acted as a close conduit between Bethany and one of our specialised pro bono legal members.  

Our intervention got the lenders to stop threatening Bethany, and now her housing is once again secured, and she can move on with her life. 

We know up to 14% of older Australian have faced similar experiences of elder abuse, which is why it is so important we have services responding. We are integrated across health services and hospitals in VIC and NSW through our Health Justice Partnerships and can tap into our network of over 10,000 pro bono lawyers who can provide the expert legal support urgently needed in cases of elder abuse. 


Every day there’s more people in Bethany’s situation that can’t get the legal help they need.

With your support, we can make sure Justice Connect is always there.

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