Self Representation Service
Representing yourself in court is daunting. Justice Connect is here to help.
Representing yourself in court is daunting. Justice Connect is here to help.
Our Self Representation Service provides legal help across some matters in NSW, ACT, Victoria and Tasmania. So people have a fair chance at a better outcome.
We can assist people representing themselves in some types of cases in the Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court. Our service operates in Victoria, NSW, ACT and Tasmania.
Issues we help with include: bankruptcy, employment law and human rights.
We can assist people representing themselves in some types of cases in the County Court and Supreme Court in Victoria.
Issues we help with include: appeals from VCAT and lower courts, civil and commercial matters.
Our service connects people with information and legal assistance through one hour appointments with lawyers. We provide task-orientated assistance in preparation for court, we don’t provide ongoing legal representation. Appointments need to be pre-booked – you can apply online. Appointments may include:
Some people may be offered more than one appointment to support them throughout their case.
Appointments are usually at court or by phone.
Just some of the stories of those who we helped fight for a fair deal.
Read Farzana's story"It seems like very little to most people, but I have no money ... This money will make all the difference."
Read Kat's storyAfter Kat complained about being underpaid, things went downhill at work.