• Disaster affected person
  • VIC

What is this resource?

This resource is designed to support people in Victoria who are planning for disasters find legal information online and connect with appropriate services. 

Gippsland Community Legal Service has produced a webinar to introduce you to the key aspects of evacuation orders that you need to consider as part of your planning for fire emergencies in East Gippsland. 

Visit their website to view the webinar:  Stay or Go: Evacuation orders in fire emergencies in Victoria – Gippsland Community Legal Service (gcls.org.au). 


If you have been affected by a disaster, relief and recovery help is available. 

Contact your local council or visit the VicEmergency website for more information about:

  • Relief centres

  • Emergency relief payments

If you are in immediate danger, call 000.

  This resource was last updated on 12 March 2024. This is legal information only and does not constitute legal advice. You should always contact a lawyer for advice specific to your situation. You can read our disclaimer in full here: Disclaimer and copyright for our Disaster Legal Support Resource Hub – Justice Connect.