Joint submission to the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Inquiry into AI use in Victorian Courts and Tribunals (March 2025)Download PDF (303 KB)
Public consultation on Not-for-profit Financial Reporting Framework – ED 334 and ED 335 (February 2025)Download PDF (1 MB)


10 year impact report: Keeping more women and children safely housed (October 2024)Download PDF (9 MB)
Submission to the Federal Government Inquiry into the Financial Services Regulatory Framework in relation to Financial Abuse (June 2024)Download PDF (3 MB)


Submission to the Federal Government on the NFP Sector Development Blueprint (December 2023)Download PDF (2 MB)
Submission to the Attorney-General’s Department on Financial Enduring Power of Attorney Laws (November 2023)Download PDF (169 KB)
Submission to the Independent National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP) Review 2020-2025 (October 2023)Download PDF (5 MB)
Joint submission to the Attorney-General’s Department on the Personal Insolvency Discussion Paper (September 2023)Download PDF (669 KB)
Submission to Charities and Associations Law (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill Tasmania (August 2023)Download PDF (2 MB)
Briefing Report: Rising Housing & Financial Insecurity For Renters (July 2023)Download PDF (22 MB)
Submission to the Victorian Parliament’s Inquiry into the rental and housing affordability crisis in Victoria (July 2023)Download PDF (1 MB)
Submission to the Victorian Government on Submission to the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria (June 2023)Download PDF (377 KB)
Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Philanthropy in Australia (June 2023)Download PDF (5 MB)
Submission to the Treasury on Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Registers Reform (February 2023)Download PDF (1 MB)


Submission to the Federal Treasury on strengthening the ABN system (December 2022)Download PDF (1 MB)
Submission to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission on the redraft of the Commissioner’s Interpretation Statement for Public Benevolent Institutions (September 2022)Download PDF (284 KB)
Submission to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission on the redraft of the Commissioner’s Interpretation Statement for Health Promotion Charities (September 2022)Download PDF (246 KB)
Submission to the Federal Treasury on the draft Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulations 2022 (August 2022)Download PDF (255 KB)
Submission to the Queensland Government’s inquiry into the Casino Control and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (June 2022)Download PDF (316 KB)
Submission to the Federal Treasury on Crypto asset secondary service providers (June 2022)Download PDF (283 KB)
Submission to the Federal Treasury on DGR Category for pastoral care services (April 2022)Download PDF (133 KB)
Submission to the Federal Attorney-General’s Department’s Privacy Act Review – Discussion Paper (January 2022)Download PDF (341 KB)


Submission to the Victorian Government’s Parliamentary Inquiry on Support for Older Victorians from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds (December 2021)Download PDF (2 MB)
Submission to the United Nations on the decriminalisation of homelessness (November 2021)Download PDF (586 KB)
Submission to the Victorian Government’s Inquiry into Victoria’s Criminal Justice System (September 2021)Download PDF (875 KB)
Submission to the Victorian Government’s Social Housing Regulatory Review (September 2021)Download PDF (1 MB)
Submission on the Secrecy Provisions in the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission Act 2012 (August 2021)Download PDF (314 KB)
Submission to the NSW Department of Communities & Justice remote witnessing consultation paper (June 2021)Download PDF (368 KB)
Submission to the Treasury on developing a Transparency Code (August 2021)Download PDF (332 KB)
Submission to the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety on sexual harassment in the workplace (July 2021)Download PDF (808 KB)
Submission to Federal Attorney-General Department’s National Register Enduring Powers Of Attorney Consultation (July 2021)Download PDF (382 KB)
What’s stopping us? Why people don’t plan for a safe older age: literature review (July 2021)Download PDF (690 KB)
Submission to the NSW Government on Part 3A of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (August 2021)Download PDF (244 KB)
Fundraising Survey Report (May 2021)Download PDF (1 MB)
Submission to the Federal Treasury’s Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Amendment (2021 Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 exposure draft (March 2021)Download PDF (946 KB)


Submission to the NSW Department of Customer Service’s proposed Charitable Fundraising Regulation (September 2020)Download PDF (877 KB)
Submission to the PAEC Inquiry into the Victorian Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (July 2020)Download PDF (730 KB)
Submission to the Federal Inquiry into Homelessness in Australia (June 2020)Download PDF (597 KB)
Joint submission to the Victorian Government’s Make Social Housing Work framework for Victoria’s Public and Community Housing 2020-30 (May 2020)Download PDF (1 MB)
Submission to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (May 2020)Download PDF (759 KB)
Position paper: Finding shelter from the law: Fairer responses to homelessness in our community (March 2020)Download PDF (2 MB)
Submission to the NSW Department of Customer Service’s proposed Community Gaming Regulation 2020 (NSW) (February 2020)Download PDF (577 KB)



Submission on the Residential Tenancies Regulations (December 2019)Download PDF (2 MB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission on Religious Freedoms Bill (October 2019)Download PDF (704 KB)
Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care: Better aged care for all (August 2019)Download PDF (1,004 KB)
Submission to Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (July 2019)Download PDF (2 MB)
Not-for-profit Law Spent convictions submission (July 2019)Download PDF (344 KB)
Submission to the spent convictions inquiry (July 2019)Download PDF (344 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to ASIC draft fee_ reduction (Feb 2019)Download PDF (404 KB)
Joint Submission to National Inquiry into Workplace Sexual Harassment (Feb 2019)Download PDF (422 KB)


Not-for-profit Law DGR Reform Consultation Submission to Treasury (Sept 2018)Download PDF (874 KB)
Supreme Court (Fees) Regulations submission (August 2018)Download PDF (433 KB)
Law Council of Australia Review Submission (July 2018)Download PDF (465 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to ASIC on Industry Funding Levies (May 2018)Download PDF (123 KB)
Not-for-profit Law supplementary submission to the ACNC review (April 2018)Download PDF (576 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to expert panel on religious freedom (February 2018)Download PDF (796 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill (February 2018)Download PDF (254 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to the Review of the ACNC legislation (February 2018)Download PDF (1 MB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to ASIC draft fee_ reduction (Feb 2019)Download PDF (404 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission on Electoral Funding (January 2018)Download PDF (274 KB)


Digital Economy Strategy Consultation Paper Submission (November 2017)Download PDF (808 KB)
A Just Life ReportDownload PDF (21 MB)
Response to Access to Justice Review Submission (February 2017)Download PDF (177 KB)
Submission to the City of Melbourne (March 2017)Download PDF (1,009 KB)
Submission on the RTA Options Paper (February 2017)Download PDF (1 MB)
Making public housing count (November 2017)Download PDF (826 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Discussion paper on tax deductible gift recipient reforms (August 2017)Download PDF (498 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Feedback on the SA NFP Exposure Drafts (December 2017)Download PDF (253 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Response to ACT Red Tape Reduction Legislation Amendment Bill (April 2017)Download PDF (255 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Response to Social Impact Investing Discussion Paper (February 2017)Download PDF (868 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission on extending crowd-sourced equity funding to proprietary companies (June 2017)Download PDF (276 KB)


Fair’s Fare: Improving Access to Public Transport for Victorians Experiencing Homelessness Position Paper (March 2016)Download PDF (2 MB)
Australian Consumer Law Review Issues Paper Submission (May 2016)Download PDF (227 KB)
Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Joint Submission (May 2016)Download PDF (688 KB)
Through the Roof: Improving the Office of Housing’s Policies and Processes for Dealing with Housing Debts Position Paper(November 2016)Download PDF (913 KB)
Dispute Resolution (July 2016)Download PDF (666 KB)
Rent, Bonds and Other Charges (April 2016)Download PDF (692 KB)
Safe Steps – Rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants (May 2016)Download PDF (688 KB)
Access to Justice Review Submission (March 2016)Download PDF (1 MB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission Working with Children Regulations (January 2016)Download PDF (408 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to the Australian Consumer Law review Annexure (May 2016)Download PDF (597 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to CIS (June 2016)Download PDF (401 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to ACL Review (May 2016)Download PDF (597 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission on Lotteries and Art Unions Act (September 2016)Download PDF (619 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Response to NSW Government Charitable Fundraising Review (July 2016)Download PDF (378 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Response to ACL Interim Report (December 2016)Download PDF (873 KB)
Not-for-profit Law AASB submission (April 2016)Download PDF (331 KB)


Productivity Commission Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry Submission (March 2015)Download PDF (256 KB)
Royal Commission into Family Violence Homeless Law Submission (May 2015)Download PDF (1 MB)
Royal Commission into Family Violence Seniors Law Submission (May 2015)Download PDF (1 MB)
Family Violence, Homelessness and Affordable Housing Joint Submission (May 2015)Download PDF (276 KB)
Eight Year Charter Review Submission (June 2015)Download PDF (959 KB)
Residential Tenancies Act Review Submission (August 2015)Download PDF (1 MB)
Elder Abuse in New South Wales Inquiry Submission (November 2015)Download PDF (1 MB)
Response to the security of tenure issues paper (December 2015)Download PDF (1 MB)
Not-for-profit Law Parliamentary Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations (2015)Download PDF (538 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to FACS (2015)Download PDF (285 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to Fair Trading (2015)Download PDF (407 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to Tax White Paper Task Force (2015)Download PDF (348 KB)


Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper on Equality, Capacity and Disability Submission (June 2014)Download PDF (1 MB)
Not-for-profit Law Associations Incorporation Reform Act (2014)Download PDF (464 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (2014)Download PDF (568 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to the Department of Social Services (2014)Download PDF (453 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Submission to the Wrongs Amendment Bill (2014)Download PDF (278 KB)
Not-for-profit Law Tax and Superannuation Laws Ammendment (2014)Download PDF (367 KB)


Housing Payment Deduction Scheme Submission (April 2013)Download PDF (186 KB)
Consultation on the Victoria Police Field Contact Policy and Cross Cultural Training Submission (August 2013)Download PDF (525 KB)
Sentencing Advisory Council Fines and Infringements Project Submission (October 2013)Download PDF (4 MB)
Submission on Draft Australian Privacy Principle (APP) Guidelines (September 2013)Download PDF (129 KB)
Submission to COAG on the potential duplication of governance and reporting standards for charities (February 2013)Download PDF (245 KB)
Submission to NSW Fair Trading ‘Improving governance within community organisations’ (December 2013)Download PDF (533 KB)
Submission to the ACNC on draft Annual Information Statements for charities (April 2013)Download PDF (208 KB)
Submission to Treasury on proposed governance standards for registered charities (February 2013)Download PDF (366 KB)
Submission to Treasury on the draft Charities Bill 2013 and Explanatory Material (May 2013)Download PDF (298 KB)


Homeless Bill Submission (2012)Download PDF (114 KB)
Keeping Doors Open Submission (July 2012)Download PDF (478 KB)
VCAT Legislation Reform Project Submission (September 2012)Download PDF (280 KB)
Coroner’s Court of Victoria Submission (December 2012)Download PDF (441 KB)
Submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria on the Regulatory Impact Statement for the proposed Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012 (October 2012)Download PDF (475 KB)
Submission to Senate Standing Committee on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission and Special Conditions for Tax Concessions Bills (August 2012)Download PDF (229 KB)
Submission to Treasury on the Consultation Paper – Review of not-for-profit governance arrangements (January 2012)Download PDF (576 KB)
Submission to Treasury on the Exposure Draft of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commissions Bill 2012 (January 2012)Download PDF (363 KB)
Submission to Treasury on the restating and standardising the special conditions for tax concession entities (including the ‘in Australia’ conditions (May 2012)Download PDF (277 KB)


Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia Report by Chris Povey (2011)Download PDF (1 MB)
Inquiry into the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Submission (June 2011)Download PDF (578 KB)
Submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria in relation to the statutory management provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (March 2011)Download PDF (192 KB)
Submission to the Victorian Equal Opportunty and Human Rights Commission on the Volunteering and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 – Issues paper (June 2011)Download PDF (156 KB)
Submission to Treasury on a statutory definition of charity (December 2011)Download PDF (328 KB)
Submission to Treasury on better targeting of not-for-profit tax concessions (July 2011)Download PDF (146 KB)
Submission to Treasury on the ‘in Australia’ Special Conditions for Tax Concession Entities (August 2011)Download PDF (79 KB)
Submission to Treaury on scoping study for a national not-for-profit regulator (February 2011)Download PDF (354 KB)


Family and Community Development Committee Inquiry Submission (2010)Download PDF (901 KB)


VCAT Review Submission (June 2009)Download PDF (305 KB)
Homelessness Legislation Inquiry Submission (August 2009)Download PDF (396 KB)