Referring to Justice Connect
If you are assisting someone experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Victoria, our Homeless Law service may be able to assist them by providing free legal advice and representation.
Assistance is provided in the metro Melbourne area.
If the person has an upcoming court or VCAT date, please contact us as soon as possible, as finding the right lawyer can take time.
Homeless Law can only assist with the following types of legal issues:
- housing and tenancy (in particular preventing evictions – please call us if the helpseeker has received a Notice to Vacate, has a VCAT hearing or is otherwise facing eviction into homelessness)
- fines and infringements connected to homelessness
- credit and debt problems
- some criminal law matters
Homeless Law cannot assist with family law matters, however we can assist victims and survivors of family violence who are having problems with their tenancies.
For family law problems please contact Victoria Legal Aid on 1300 792 387 or find a local community legal service that may be able to assist.
For guidance on legal issues and eligibility: