Referring to Justice Connect
If you are assisting a self-represented litigant in a Federal Court in Victoria, NSW, Tasmania or the ACT, our Self Representation Service can provide free assistance to people with the following legal issues:
- bankruptcy
- Fair Work matters (employment law)
- human rights/discrimination
- judicial review proceedings.
We assist with matters in the Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court Civil Registries in Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania.
People are eligible for an appointment with our lawyers if:
- they have a legal issue in one of the four areas above and we have a lawyer available with relevant expertise
- they are not represented
- they are unable to afford private legal assistance
- they are ineligible for legal aid.
How it works
People eligible for assistance will receive a one-hour appointment at court in Melbourne or Sydney, or by phone or video conference.
Depending on the nature of the matter and the circumstances, eligible people may be offered more than one appointment to support them throughout their case. The Service provides task-orientated assistance in preparation for court. It does not provide representation in the court-room.