• LGBTQI+ person
  • Young person
  • VIC

What is this resource?

This is a resource for trans and gender diverse young people and their families in Victoria. 

This fact sheet answers some common questions trans and gender diverse young people, and their families, have about their rights at school in relation to school uniforms, bathrooms, camps and sports teams.

By reading this resource you will get a better understanding of your rights at school in Victoria.

This fact sheet includes:

  • What counts as discrimination?

  • What can you do if you are discriminated against?

  • What laws protect trans and gender diverse young people?

  Not in Victoria?

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You have rights 

As a trans and gender diverse student in Australia, you have the same rights and protections under the law which are afforded to all students. The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) prohibit discrimination in public life on the basis of gender identity.      

Schools have a legal duty of care to protect students from risks of harm (that the school should be able to anticipate) and to do what is reasonable to ensure you are safe at school, so that you feel safe and protected when you are attending school. 

Despite these obligations, it can still be daunting to navigate the different gendered facilities and activities at school. For example, wearing a gendered school uniform, using gendered bathrooms, going on school camps and participating in school sports teams. 

Further, many trans and gender diverse students have found their schools to be unsupportive of their gender status, and therefore fail to make the student feel safe at school. 

What is discrimination at school?

Generally speaking, discrimination means treating (or proposing to treat) someone unfairly or less favourably than others because of one or more of their personal characteristics. This can happen in different places and contexts, and may be direct or indirect.

Discrimination is only against the law when it happens in an area of public life, including in education. This means it is against the law for schools and teachers to discriminate against you, either directly or indirectly, on the basis of your gender identity.

What counts as discrimination?

It is discriminatory, and therefore unlawful, for a school to treat you less favourably than other students because you are trans and gender diverse, such as by:

  • Refusing or failing to accept your application for admission as a student

  • Only admitting you as a student on certain terms (that would not otherwise apply)

  • Denying you access, or limiting your access, to any benefit provided by the school

  • Expelling or subjecting you to any disadvantage

The above examples are examples of direct discrimination. 

Indirect discrimination occurs where a requirement, condition or practice is applied to all students equally but its application is likely to have the effect of disadvantaging students with a particular characteristic (and it is not reasonable).   

Are there any exceptions?

Yes, there are some exceptions.

For example, it is usually not against the law to discriminate against someone in competitive sporting activities on the basis of their gender identity where some competitive advantage may be gained because of a disparity between relative strength, stamina or physique of competitors. This exception does not apply to sporting activities by children who are younger than 12 years old. This could involve refusing or failing to select someone for a sporting team or excluding them from participating in the sporting team.

There are also some exceptions that may apply to religious schools. Some discrimination laws allow conduct by religious schools that would otherwise be considered discriminatory. As a result of these exceptions, it may be possible for religious schools to treat students differently on the basis of their gender identity in some circumstances. If you have any questions about this, consider contacting the AHRC or Department of Education.  

Learn more about inclusion in school sport

School Sports Victoria (SSV) work with the Department of Education and are committed to LGBTIQA+ inclusion.

SSV has an Inclusion policy that explains the importance of inclusion in school sport.

  • School sport can improve students’ physical fitness, mental wellbeing and social interactions,

  • More active students have better concentration, memory, behaviour and academic results.

  • Participation in school sport can develop confidence, skills and interest to continue playing sport outside of school, which can have lifelong positive physical and mental health outcomes.

The policy provides guidance for student participation in SSV sport activities. The policy provides a list of definitions, resources, and where to find more information.

Transgender students shouldn’t have to be excluded from school sports. SSV encourage schools to get in touch with them if they have any questions.

School Sport Victoria:

What can you do about gender discrimination at school?

If you are being discriminated against by a school and or teacher because you are trans and gender diverse, you have the right to make a complaint or take legal action. Take a look at our fact sheet on dealing with gender discrimination.

Are there any laws in Australia that protect the rights of trans and gender diverse students?

No, but education policies and guidelines exist which address aspects of schooling for trans and gender diverse students such as:

  • changing your name/gender used at school

  • school uniforms

  • bathrooms

  • school camps

  • sports teams

Policies and guidelines are important and do help protect transgender rights at school. Some states have started to implement policies in line with broader anti-discrimination legislation. However, they don’t carry the same authority as legislation.

The policies that guide schools vary depending on which state or territory you live in, as well as which school you go to.

What about in Victoria?

For students attending government schools, the Victorian Department of Education and Training’s LGBTIQA+ Student Support: Policy aims to ensure that schools support trans and gender diverse students. 

  • The policy provides that schools must provide a positive, supportive and respectful environment, challenge all forms of homophobia and transphobia and support students who wish to affirm or transition their gender identity at school. 

  • The policy also requires schools to work with students affirming their gender identity to prepare and implement a student support plan, in consultation with the student. 

  • The policy summarises the requirements of a student support plan. Schools can refer to the Transcend Gender Affirmation Plan template to develop a plan.

The Victorian Government also funds the ‘Safe Schools’ program. The Safe Schools program helps schools foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTIQA+ students.

For students attending non-government schools (such as religious or private schools), your school may have its own policy relating to the supports that will be offered to trans and gender diverse students.

Learn more about Safe Schools

The Safe Schools program helps schools foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTIQA+ students.

A key part of the program is to provide professional development and training for Victorian government, Catholic and independent school staff so that they are equipped to support LGBTIQA+ students.

Safe Schools is not a subject taught in the classroom and it is not a part of the curriculum. Support is available to all Victorian government, Catholic and independent schools.

The Safe Schools team can provide schools with:

professional learning for school staff

support to review school policies and practice to improve inclusion for LGBTIQA+ students

consultation, advice and resources for schools to support individual students, including assistance for schools supporting students who are affirming their gender at school

networking and linkages to evidence-based information, resources and local support services.


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  This resource was last updated on 14 February 2025. This is legal information only and does not constitute legal advice. You should always contact a lawyer for advice specific to your situation. Please view our disclaimer for more information.