Connie is an Aboriginal woman and the sole parent of three children in a Victorian Office of Housing (OOH) property.
One of Connie’s children is hearing impaired, and the other two have mental and physical health issues, which cause them to express their emotions more loudly.
The OOH had obtained a compliance order against Connie, requiring her to prevent her children from making noise at a “loud level audible to neighbours”. A neighbour had been regularly abusing Connie on the basis of her Aboriginality and complaining about Connie and her children to the OOH. However, Connie was reluctant to report any incidents to the police, particularly due to intergenerational trauma.
Launch referred Connie to Homeless Law when she was facing eviction for allegedly breaching the compliance order.
Through Justice Connect’s strong and continued negotiations, including based on the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, the eviction proceedings were withdrawn and a transfer to another public housing property was secured for Connie and her children.
Connie has expressed her immense relief that she and her children have avoided homelessness and are now able to live safely and free from their former neighbour’s discriminatory behaviour.
*Connie’s name has been changed.